Circuit Civil Mediation Ft. Lauderdale – January 2018

Nova Southeastern University

NOTE: The Florida Supreme Court has mandatory requirements which must be met by a person applying for certification as a mediator.  In addition to completing a Florida Supreme Court certified mediation training program, the applicant must possess sufficient education (which may include graduate level degrees or certificates for circuit civil mediator certification) and experience, complete [...]


Circuit Civil Mediation Miami – March 2018

NSU Miami Campus 8585 SW 124 Avenue, Miami, FL, United States

NOTE: The Florida Supreme Court has mandatory requirements which must be met by a person applying for certification as a mediator.  In addition to completing a Florida Supreme Court certified mediation training program, the applicant must possess sufficient education (which may include graduate level degrees or certificates for circuit civil mediator certification) and experience, complete [...]


Circuit Civil Mediation Ft. Lauderdale – April 27-29, May 5th,6th

NSU Main Campus 8585 SW 124 Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

NOTE: The Florida Supreme Court has mandatory requirements which must be met by a person applying for certification as a mediator.  In addition to completing a Florida Supreme Court certified mediation training program, the applicant must possess sufficient education (which may include graduate level degrees or certificates for circuit civil mediator certification) and experience, complete [...]


Circuit Civil Mediation – Miami – June 20-24, 2018

NOTE: The Florida Supreme Court has mandatory requirements which must be met by a person applying for certification as a mediator. In addition to completing a Florida Supreme Court certified mediation training program, the applicant must possess sufficient education (which may include graduate level degrees or certificates for circuit civil mediator certification) and experience, complete [...]


Circuit Civil Mediation Ft. Lauderdale – July 18-July 22, 2018

NSU Davie Campus , United States

NOTE: The Florida Supreme Court has mandatory requirements which must be met by a person applying for certification as a mediator. In addition to completing a Florida Supreme Court certified mediation training program, the applicant must possess sufficient education (which may include graduate level degrees or certificates for circuit civil mediator certification) and experience, complete [...]



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